Remember your soul's essence, activate your psychic abilities and start embodying your magic.
Hosted by Chiara Naala
This is for you if:
You know deep down that you're a healer, channel, psychic, mystic, witch or spiritual guide & you can feel that you're not accessing your fullest potential
You feel like something is holding you back from expressing yourself fully and sharing your gifts with the world
You can tell there's a next level when it comes to your psychic abilities that you haven't been able to tap into
You know you want to have a greater impact and you feel the desire to be of service to others but you haven't been able to step into your mission
You want to align with your soul and tap into your multidimensional self
You can sense that you have deeper psychic, channelling and/or healing abilities from past lifetimes but you don't know how to access them
You're ready for the veil to be lifted.
What's included?
Day 1
Soul Blueprint Activation, Isis Ka Transmission & Cosmic Codes to remember who you are, connect to your soul's essence and tap into your multidimensional self in order to unlock your next level of soul alignment & clarity on your journey.
Day 2
Psychic attunement, activation of your deeper psychic senses, psychic clearing & past life process to remember & reintegrate lifetimes as a healer/psychic/channel in order to start opening up your psychic gifts & align you with your soul's mission in this lifetime.
This free 2-day immersion is for you if you're ready to step into your next level and activate more of your psychic and healing gifts:
* Activate your soul blueprint to get access to your purpose, your gifts & your highest alignment in this lifetime.
* Receive an Isis Ka transmission to awaken your soul's essence & align you with your soul path.
* Receive Pleiadian, Arcturian, Lemurian & Atlantean frequencies to connect with your multidimensional self.
* Activate your psychic senses or open up the next level of your psychic gifts to strengthen your connection with your guides and amplify your healing abilities.
* Remember past lifetimes as a healer/channel/psychic to connect with the full spectrum of your power & your gifts.
About Chiara
Hello beautiful soul! I'm an energy healer, psychic channel and Isis priestess. Most of my life, I've lived really disconnected from my soul, my psychic abilities and my authentic self. My fear of being seen was huge and even though I always knew I wanted to do something meaningful, I never had an idea what that could look like.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to get clarity on what I'm here to do. Until I discovered Energy Healing, Past Life Work & the Akashic Records. My entire life changed after connecting to my soul's essence in this way.
I connected with my soul's blueprint, started activating my soul gifts and psychic abilities and discovered the power of the Ka and before I knew it, I had a thriving spiritual business.
The fact that I can work as a healer & channel and was able to create a life I used to dream of is all because of the potency of the energy work that allowed me to remember my essence and fully activate my psychic and healing abilities. It's the most powerful & life-changing work I've ever experienced and I can't wait to share some of it with you in this 2-day immersion.

Laura Marqués, Spain
"Before working with Chiara I was very confused. I knew I wanted to start my business however I had so many blocks regarding speaking my truth, being seen, and owning my gifts. I have embodied a deeper sense of trust towards life and myself. I have healed my visibility blocks and I have been able to speak my truth on camera without having any physical or mental reaction.
I took the courage to start my business as an embodiment coach and somatic educator and I feel connected to my purpose and my gifts. The way Chiara holds space is absolute magic. I have never felt so seen in my life. She has put words and sense to things that I could feel but that I could not explain. And it has been a huge relief. Working with Chiara is one of the best investments I have ever made."
Ciara Hennebry, Ireland
"I was very fearful and afraid to tell anyone about my gifts or my spiritual side. I healed so many past lifetimes, ancestral beliefs and limiting beliefs that I was holding and it then made sense why I was thinking certain ways for years and why I was blocking myself from going forward.
I released these fears and wounds through the course and I am so much happier and stronger in my self. I opened up my gifts, I got power and strength in who I am, I let go of fear. I am now not afraid to express my true self, I am now empowered to use my soul gifts and help others heal. I am now ready to start my spiritual business which I knew I wanted, but was so afraid before the course. This course changed my life!"

Jasmin Knight, Australia
"I was somewhat connected to my soul path, intuition & creative energy ~ however, I knew from Akashic records readings and my intuition that I had many lives of repression & trauma (witch wounds) that were blocking me from fully embodying my soul gifts and deeper psychic senses. After completing Chiara’s incredible course I feel a deep sense of grounding and confidence in who I am and my soul mission. I feel an overall deeper sense of peace, clarity, grace & empowerment. I have a crystallised vision for how to weave together my wisdom and skills in various offerings for my soul business."
Monika Håkonsen, Norway
"I feel so much more secure in my self. I’m not afraid of saying out loud that I am a Starseed and that I have psychic abilities. So much fear just vanished in a magical way. I also feel much more connected with my guides. And I have so much more understanding and experience of where my soul comes from, and why I am like I am.
Chiara is the real deal! Love working with her because the change happens so quickly, the energies are strong, and she is such a pure and beautiful soul."
Can anyone do this session?
How can I best prepare for this experience?
What is the Ka?
Hosted by Chiara Naala