Heal your womb to unlock your divine feminine essence, express your unique soul gifts & open up to abundance.
Hosted by Chiara Naala
For the woman who is ready to align with her divine feminine essence, her magnetism and her soul gifts.
I created this womb healing experience so that you can:
Clear out stored & stuck emotions that take up space in your womb so that you can start to align with the most amazing opportunities & manifest your dream vision into reality.
Unlock your divine feminine gifts and unleash your power and your fullest potential.
Heal the ancestral & past life wounds that are holding you back from aligning with your soul purpose.
Tap into a new abundance frequency to start aligning with the love, the money, the experiences that you crave.
Dive deep into the powerful portal that is your womb in order to unlock your magic, magnetism and psychic powers..
What's included?

Womb Clearing
Clearing out emotions & energies that you have been holding on to in order to create space for new opportunities.

Ancestral Healing
Healing ancestral trauma, blockages & limitations from the womb to end repeating patterns & heal your lineage.

Past Life Healing
Healing past lifetimes around suppression & persecution, as well as restriction of your feminine power & gifts.

Abundance Codes
Calibrating the womb space to a new abundance frequency, so that you can receive more & manifest with ease. .

Stephanie Lianos, Australia
"I have always defaulted to moving through life from my masculine energy and I was actively trying to awaken my inner feminine but the expansion felt stagnant on my own. Whilst I somewhat knew how to "drop into the feminine" it was a very surface level experienced, controlled by my masculine archetype.
I was disconnected from my cycle and generally disconnected from the natural flow of being a woman. I hated my period and saw it as a sign of weakness. The connection to my cycle was the first significant shift I experienced in the container. I have really connected to the phases of my cycle and this has completely changed the way I live and work.
I see my cycle as my superpower, I utilise the natural rythym of my body and honour my period as a sacred time of rebirth. This connection has been so potent and transformative for me - and changed the entire way I run my business. This cycle-wisdom also unlocked codes within me that I share with my clients and talk about often in my own teachings."
Monika Håkonsen, Norway
"I feel so much more confidence around being a woman and being in my feminine energy. I feel so much more powerful in my feminine and more unapologetic in being the full spectrum of me.
I have absolutely come to appreciate myself and my body more, and got to expand my self-worth even more.
I honestly feel so happy and fulfilled in life. I attract so much good into my life - people, opportunities, money. MY people have found me when I got to heal all my blocks and step more into who I truly am. I can’t express my gratitude for Chiara and her dedication to her work and her clients.
There has never been an issue asking her for help or support during this journey. She’s the most gentle and loving soul, and I respect her so much for the work she has done for her self to be able to bring her gifts to the world.
I can’t stress enough how talented she is, so if you feel the call to work with her you ABSOLUTELY should!"
About Chiara
Hello beautiful soul! I'm an energy healer, psychic channel and Isis priestess. Most of my life, I've lived really disconnected from the feminine and the truth of my soul. For a really long time, I was completely disconnected from my womb, my emotions, my inner guidance and authentic expression.
At some point, I started feeling really stuck & like there must be more out there but I had no clarity on what I wanted to do. Until I discovered energy healing. Within a few months, I was able to connect to my soul purpose, drop into my divine feminine essence and start my own business. Healing my womb has allowed me to completely transform my relationships, my levels of abundance and connection to myself. I was able to connect to my psychic abilities & soul gifts and fully align with my soul purpose.
Womb healing is a really profound catalyst for deep transformation, soul gift activation and aligning with your highest potential. It can open you up to the abundance and magnetism that you've been craving in your life. This is why I'm so excited for the Sacred Womb event!.