Awaken your divine feminine energy to start aligning with your soul purpose. 



Hosted by Chiara Naala

This is for the woman who:

... knows that the next step on her journey is connecting with her feminine.

... feels a deep inner knowing of "I'm here for a reason" and is ready to dive in.

... feels the call to connect with her intuition & her psychic senses.

... is ready to take the next steps towards soul-alignment, fulfillment & abundance. 

... wants to experience the magic of her feminine energy & the profound shifts that come from embodying it.


On this day, we are going to dive deep into the feminine. I will guide you through a process to align with your divine feminine energy, we will heal past lives and ancestral trauma that might be holding you back from accessing your feminine and we will do some deep healing work around your heart chakra & your sacral chakra/womb space. 


This session will start with a powerful transmission of Ka* energies to start to awaken you to the essence of your soul. We will then go into a process where I will guide you to go back into one of your past lifetimes where you fully embodied your divine feminine energy, so that you can remember this on a soul level - which is an important step towards embodying it in the present. Towards the end, you will get to reclaim your power.

If you're struggling to let go of control & you find it hard to trust your path, if it feels difficult to connect to a clear vision & purpose even though you know it's there and you're struggling to feel safe in your feminine energy, to surrender & let go - this 2-day immersion was made for you!

Through this immersion, you will be able to take the first steps to shift from constantly being in your masculine energy to surrendering into your feminine. 

You will start to feel more safe in your feminine, which allows you to open up to receiving - not only love & aligned relationships, but also money and the life you're desiring for yourself.

Having activated your Ka template, you will align with a higher frequency, which in turn leads to new opportunities & positive shifts in all areas of your life.

Having connected with a powerful past life version of yourself, you will be able to reclaim more of your innate power and start moving towards the shifts you're desiring for yourself.

About Chiara


Hello beautiful soul! I'm an energy healer, psychic channel and Isis priestess. Most of my life, I've lived really disconnected from the feminine and the truth of my soul. I was operating mostly from my masculine energy and had very limited access to my intuition and my inner guidance.

At some point, living out of alignment with who I truly am started to feel really draining and exhausting. The moment I discovered energy healing & the Akashic Records, I knew this would be my path. I quickly realized that in order to do this work authentically and to gain deeper access to my spiritual gifts, I need to reclaim my inner feminine.

So I went on a deep healing journey to access my divine feminine energy, underwent a priestess training, learnt ancient mystery school teachings and was guided towards my path of supporting other women to align with their soul purpose through the portal of the feminine.

Nothing in my life has been the same since I healed my inner feminine. I'm fully aligned with my soul purpose & soul gifts, I'm surrounded by soul connections and I'm living the life I've always dreamed of. I'm completely guided by my intuition and my guides, every step of the way. I know this is possible for every woman out there - which is why I'm hosting this 2-day event, so you can start to awaken this powerful energy in yourself, too.

Stephanie Lianos

"I have always defaulted to moving through life from my masculine energy and I was actively trying to awaken my inner feminine but the expansion felt stagnant on my own.

Before I entered the container I had reached a point of stagnancy within my business. I knew it was time to evolve but I didn't know where to begin.

I was able to change my entire business model and rely on my soul gifts in their entirety. I hit my first $10k month in the 2nd month of the container and also launched a group program that was entirely channelled. This would not have been possible without Divine Feminine Rising."

Kate Oliver

"I dropped into my Higher Self connection with consistent certainty. The alignment within became the alignment without. New avenues within my creative work and channeling connection became available.

I am so finely in tune with my guidance system that I know in each moment the right move to make for me. So instead of wondering and worrying about all the steps in the path ahead, I am able to tap into my inner compass and know what is next to do.

I am able to play instead of push and I now can trust that the path to my greatest fulfilment comes from this space. This is an invaluable gift and the basis for everything I want to do here."

Kate Miocevich

"I never realised the importance of connecting with my divine feminine self and the benefits it could have. The visible life changes I began to notice whilst working with Chiara was what really shook me.

I remember suddenly finding myself openly talking about my channelling and psychic abilities without fear anymore. I felt the connection with myself and my soul mission deepen dramatically.

Chiara just gave me so much clarity and confirmation around what I am here to do which was truly profound. The insights and guidance I received from every single session will stay with me forever."


Divine Feminine Awakening

Hosted by Chiara Naala