Reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline.
Hosted by Chiara Naala
This free energy transmission experience is for you if you're feeling called to connect with goddess Isis, open up your psychic abilities and awaken your mystical self.
In the process of this session, we will also anchor in your highest available timeline, so that you can align with your soul, your highest self and the opportunities, situations and people that might have felt out of reach up until now.
The energy work is led by Egyptian Goddess Isis and supported by Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Goddess Hathor and Sekhmet.
We will support you in reactivating ancient codes in your system and remembering who you truly are.
What's included?

Psychic Activation
Activating your psychic abilities and healing the blocks that might be holding you back from working with them.

Blue Lotus Energy
Working with the powerful energy of blue lotus will allow you to activate dormant parts of yourself and tap into your mystical self.

Priestess Blueprint
Igniting and awakening your priestess blueprint to connect to your innate power & your ancient gifts.

Highest Timeline
Moving through a powerful process to anchor in your highest available timeline in order to fully align with your soul.
About Chiara
Hello beautiful soul! I'm an energy healer, psychic channel and Isis priestess. Most of my life, I've lived really disconnected from my soul, my psychic abilities and my feminine in general. I was living the life that I thought I was supposed to live, hiding so many parts of myself, until hitting a personal rock-bottom pushed me towards listening to my soul again.
The moment I discovered energy healing & the Akashic Records, I knew this would be my path. In one of my Akashic Readings, Goddess Isis came through for my client and instructed me to do energy healing. She kept coming in more and more often for myself, until I was guided to an Isis priestess training, learnt ancient mystery school teachings, sat with Isis in Egypt and was eventually guided towards my path of supporting women to align with their soul purpose through the portal of the feminine.
Early on in my journey, someone told me that 'Isis always finds her daughters in every lifetime' and I found that to be true. I work with so many women who feel a strong connection to Isis, feel curious about her or who have received signs or symbols from her at some point.
Energy work in general but especially the work with Goddess Isis has completely transformed my life in every single area. I'm fully aligned with my soul purpose & soul gifts, I'm surrounded by soul connections and I'm living the life I've always dreamed of. I'm completely guided by my intuition and my guides, every step of the way. My psychic abilities are open and I'm able to connect to soul gifts I've had for hundreds of lifetimes. I know this is possible for every woman out there and I can't wait to bring this channelled transmission to you!

Stephanie Lianos, Australia
"From a life perspective, before I entered the container I had reached a point of stagnancy within my business. I knew it was time to evolve but I didn't know where to begin.
I was able to change my entire business model and rely on my soul gifts in their entirety. My channel is very clear and open and brings in significant financial return within my business. I hit my first $10k month in the 2nd month of the container and also launched a group program that was entirely channelled.
Chiara is so gifted, so embodied and such a powerful channel. I would do this program 100x over, it will change your life. Thank you Chiara, I love youu!!
Monika Håkonsen, Norway
"I was frustrated and lost, and completely burned out after living a life that not felt aligned with me.
Chiara is so safe and gentle, and her work is really powerful. So much in me changed so quickly. So much fear just vanished in a magical way.
I also feel much more connected with my guides. And I have so much more understanding and experience of where my soul comes from, and why I am like I am.
Chiara is the real deal! Love working with her because the change happens so quickly, the energies are strong, and she is such a pure and beautiful soul."

Julia Lohfink, Germany
"My journey has truly accelerated through Chiara’s transmissions and guidance and I’m so thankful for her work. I am actively using my clairsentience now, a few months after finishing the Starseed Codes. During one of the very first activations I can remember Chiara saying: «Everything that is not in alignment with your true self and purpose, will fall away».
That's exactly was has been happening. A lot of death and rebirth. It became increasingly unbearable to sustain certain relationships, work contracts and especially my own, toxic pattern. As I’ve given myself and them the space to be transformed, many new connections have come around – and some of the old are transforming in the most beautiful ways.
I’m stepping out of countless old paradigms and truly feel how I am reclaiming my innate power. I can honestly say: I can feel who I really am. My intuition is on fleak, and my heart wide open. Thank you, Chiara!."

Kate Oliver, Australia
"The alignment within became the alignment without. New avenues within my creative work and channeling connection became available.
I am so finely in tune with my guidance system that I know in each moment the right move to make for me. So instead of wondering and worrying about all the steps in the path ahead and how I might get there, I am able to tap into my inner compass and know what is next to do.
My channel is crystal clear between myself and spirit and my soul. I am able to play instead of push and I now can trust that the path to my greatest fulfilment comes from this space. This is an invaluable gift and the basis for everything I want to do here.
Chiara is a beautiful human who clearly comes from a deeply fortified place, which can only come from one’s own inner cultivation. As a result, her sensitivity and attentive nature are unconditionally comforting during transformations that can be turbulent at times."
Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone do this session?
How can I best prepare for this experience?
Hosted by Chiara Naala